
An easy to use Python wrapper for the Pterodactyl Panel API.


This documentation is generated from docstrings so the class names do not usually match the way they are accessed when using PterodactylClient.

For example the get_server() method documented in the pydactyl.api.client.servers.base.ServersBase class is accessed by calling client.servers.get_server().

The majority of names in PterodactylClient match their path minus the class name, so pydactyl.api.client.account.Account.get_server() is client.account.get_server(). Classes named or ending with Base are imported into the parent namespace.

More example usage can be found can be found in the README at

Client API

The Client API are endpoints available to any Pterodactyl user account and require a Client API key generated in the account settings.

Application API

Application API endpoints are only available to Pterodactyl Administrators and require an Application API key generated in the Admin panel.

Indices and tables